tiphub Newsletter 17.1
Happy New Year! Hope everyone is settled into 2017 and keeping those new year’s resolutions.
We’ve been getting a lot of questions about why we are hosting 2 events focused on virtual reality (VR) in the next couple of weeks. Some of those questions include statements like, “VR is so far away from mass adoption, or there aren’t enough use cases yet.” At tiphub, we’d most likely agree with both statements but instead, we look at our VR focused events as an opportunity to get the best and brightest builders, hackers, designers, and investors in the room. We want to create a space where people dream, think, and create the future of VR as a platform. We believe community buy into emerging platforms is essential to ensure opportunities are well understood and interests are aligned. So, if you’re available on January 27th and February 4th, join us as we take a deep dive into the present/ future of virtual reality.
“Money is like gasoline during a road trip. You don’t want to run out of gas on your trip, but you’re not doing a tour of gas stations.”
Let us know on twitter @tiphubafrica #whosaidit!
Diaspora Demo Company Updates:
- Shout out to Scholar X, Kweli TV, Oja Express, Dechet L’Or, and Imara Tech. They’ll be pitching at the Harvard African Business Conference in February. Looks like it will be a DDX 2016 reunion.
- Tanzanian micro-health startup Jamii Africa closed a 750k round. Read more about it here
- Congrats to Dechet L’Or who won Wharton Africa Business Conference Startup pitch compettion (10K prize) and was awarded a grant from Umsizi Fund
Upcoming tiphub events
- Socially Innovative 1/24 in DC
- Virtual Reality Meetup & Mixer 1/29: Not saying other events won’t be good but this is going to be a great event to kick off our VR week.
- We are partnering with our good friends at New Wave to host a Virtual Augmented Reality in Healthcare Hack-A-Thon 2/4-2/5. There’s a 5k prize!
Other events to look out for
- Chika, our engagement director, will be speaking at the Africa Technology Summit in Chicago today (1/19) @ 6:30- 8:30 PM.
- State of the Black Tech Ecosystem 1/26-`/27
- The Second Annual African Diaspora Investment Symposium will be held on January 27-28, 2017 in Silicon Valley. Here’s a link to learn more.
- Georgetown African Business Conference is coming up in Febuary. Bola Lawal from Scholar X will be speaking on one of the panels.
What we’re reading from the web
- Oja Express Co-Founder Boyede Sobitan discusses similarties between the start-up journey and the struggle for civil rights
- Deshuna Spenser, Ceo @ KweliTV talks about the realities of grinding as a startup founder: Diary of A (Mad) Black Woman Without VC Funding, Part 4: When The Going Gets Tough…
- Classic but important reminder from our good friend Lexi Novitske: Silicon Valley: Invest in Africa but do it Differently
Let us know if you’d like us to highlight an event or cool articles for the next issue.